Mount Vernon Genealogical Society - Founded 1991
Founded 1991

1500 Shenandoah Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22308
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Records: 1 to 25 of 25

Wednesday, February 12
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forums page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling FamilySearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Religious Sources:  Denominations, Records and Methodology
Tuesday, February 18
Religious Sources: Denominations, Records and Methodology  (General Meeting)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Metting will be on Zoom, registration required
Speaker:  Debra A. Hoffman
Description: U.S. religious records can provide
genealogically significant information but locating them
and effectively using them can be a challenge. This
lecture will cover the records, denominations, and
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 6530 5186
Passcode: 455125

Monday, February 24
VA SIG Meeting  (Special Interest Group)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
The VA SIG will meet from 1-3pm via ZOOM.  The topic will be Using the Library of Virginia website.  Questions?  Contact Amy Breedlove at

Wednesday, March 5
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forums page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, March 12
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about  using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forums page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at 
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Monday, March 24
VA SIG Meeting  (Special Interest Group)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
HHSC, Room 214
The VA SIG will meet from 1-3 in room 214 [Research Library] at HHSC.  The topic will be Chancery Records - using them, locations where to find them, etc.  Questions?  Contact Amy Breedlove at

Wednesday, April 2
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forums page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the FamilySearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, April 9
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forums page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Monday, April 28
VA SIG Meeting  (Special Interest Group)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
HHSC, Room 214
The VA SIG will meet from 1-3pm in room 214 [the Research Library] at HHSC.  The topic will be Early Settlement Patterns on the east coast of VA and Maryland.  It will also include Accomack and Northampton counties.  Questions?  Contact Amy Breedlove at

Wednesday, May 7
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, May 14
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, June 4
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, June 11
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, July 2
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, July 9
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, August 6
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, August 13
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, September 3
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, September 10
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, October 1
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, October 8
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, November 5
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, November 12
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, December 3
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.

Wednesday, December 10
Using and/or Find A Grave  (Training and Education)
HHSC, room 214
     If you want to learn about using the Familysearch website or Find A Grave, or have questions about some part of either website, Linda MacLachlan will meet informally with you in the Research Library any time period between 10am and 2pm on either the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of any month.
     She asks that you send her an email at to let her know the day and time you want to be reserved for your one-on-one.
     Please remember to create a free account on either Familysearch or Find A Grave if you don't already have one, ahead of the day you come, and remember to bring your user id and password with you so we can work on your family data together on one of the Research Library's new large screen computers.
     Please look at the relevant online tutorials before your appointment.  They can be found on the MVGS website's Forum page under Training and Education.  The full list of T&E items is at  
     There are 4 handouts.  One for Entering Info on Find A Grave; one for Entering Info on the Familysearch Family Tree; one for Using the Familysearch Website; and a general one for Calling Familysearch for Help from 2022.
     Click on the handout you want.  A page will come up for that item.  Then click on the link for the File Attachment and the pdf will open.